Profile PictureVFX Engine

Visual Effects: Compositing Demo Reel Review

5 ratings

Get your VFX Compositing Demo Reel reviewed by an experienced Visual Effects Artist/Manager who has been working in the industry for over a decade. This would be perfect for anyone that is interested in getting into the Visual Effects Industry as a Compositor and, of course, is open to anyone who would like their VFX Compositing Demo Reel reviewed or would just like some feedback.

Your live 30-minute review session will be with Priyank Murarka


About Priyank Murarka: Having been in the VFX industry for over a decade, Priyank has gained extensive knowledge in the field of Compositing on various projects. Priyank's work has mainly been on photo real shots and has mastered the art of deceiving the eyes with various tricks. His work experience in a variety of studios has also helped him learn about working in different environments/shows/budgets/capacities.

Priyank's managerial experience has also involved leadership, collaborative work, and organized reporting. Priyank has had a lot of experience in managing and understanding other artists and has a good comprehension of the workflow involved in getting shots completed successfully.

Please note the following important information:

  • The review session will be online on Google Meet. Please provide your current city on checkout so that we can coordinate a time that works for the live review.
  • The feedback will only be provided for reels that are up to 90 seconds long. If the reel is longer, only the first 90 seconds will be reviewed.
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30 mins of Live Review Session over Google Meet

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Visual Effects: Compositing Demo Reel Review

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